Costa Rica´s Healthcare System Stands Out Worldwide

Costa Rica´s Healthcare System Stands Out Worldwide

Costa Rica ranks among the six countries in the world with the best health care in the world for 2019, according to the qualifier International Living and published on January 23rd by Summa Magazine in its digital format.

The “International Living” Magazine assures that the healthcare system of Costa Rica is the 2nd best in the world. Jennifer Stevens, executive editor of International Living, stated that “ health care is one of the most important factors that potential expats consider before moving” and this year the best grades in the category of Best Care World Health in the Annual Global Retirement Index went to Costa Rica, Malaysia, France, Thailand, Ecuador and Mexico.

The magazine evaluated some key points such as the cost of medical procedures, cleanliness of hospitals, qualification and preparation of doctors, and the affordability of healthcare in 24 countries to obtain a score.

According to the magazine, more than 40 thousand North Americans visit Costa Rica on a yearly basis in search of medical and dental treatments. These medical tourists discovered that they have high-quality healthcare available at a very low cost. Stevens added that “in the right places abroad it is possible to access top-notch care for a fraction of the cost at home.”

The publication also sites “Retirees who live in Costa Rica are able to take advantage of this benefit every day of the year, paying a fraction of what they would in their own countries for medical appointments, surgeries, medical prescriptions and any other care they need.”

In regards to Costa Rica, the publication highlights that in almost any standard, Costa Rica has some of the best healthcare services in Latin America. There are two systems, which expats can access: the government-run universal health system, Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social, new known as CAJA, and the private system. Both systems are constantly updated: new hospitals, new equipment and staff training improvements.

Foreigners have access to both the private health system and the Costa Rican Social Security Fund, and it is a win-win situation. First, there is the CCSS, that is about universal health care, provided and administered by the government. It is available to citizens and legal residents, including foreigners with a pensionado visa.

Summa consulted the Texan physician John Michael Arthur MD, based in our country’s Central Valley who praised Costa Rica’s health system.

These are his statements collected by the magazine: “Having the public health system and the private health system available to residents provides excellent options as “buy” to receive care,” he says. “High quality medical care (medical, surgical, and dental) is easily found at about one third of the cost of U.S. prices. In the private system.

“For example, I recently had a new avant-garde zirconia crown placed for about $275, and I had an echocardiogram for only $145 and I left with the full analysis and report in my hands.”

It is amazing to see Costa Rica yet again making worldwide headlines, such a small country yet so wonderful and full of innovative ideas. With the way things are going it makes you wonder if in a future we will have enough space to welcome all the expats who are making Costa Rica their home, we look forward to it and welcome everyone with open arms.

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